Just, Equitable, and Sustainable Recovery for… | Sonoma Clean Power

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Just, Equitable, and Sustainable Recovery for Sonoma

Published on 07/27/2018

Just, Equitable, and Sustainable Recovery for Sonoma

Greenbelt Alliance | July 27, 2018
By Teri Shore

At a public event on July 19, community members joined with environmental, labor, and elected leaders to mobilize as the Alliance for a Just, Equitable, and Sustainable Recovery from the North Bay fires in Sonoma County, Santa Rosa and beyond.

The event was organized by North Bay Jobs with Justice. Organizations represented in the included Greenbelt Alliance, Sierra Club, Sonoma County Conservation Action, 350.org and many of our other allies in the environmental community.

Over that time we also increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Sonoma County by 1/2 percent – not counting air travel or the shipment of goods into the region. There is good news— GHG emissions in buildings fell slightly thanks to Sonoma Clean Power—but from here on the power to fight climate change is truly in our hands. If we keep driving this much, GHGs will continue to increase.

Read the full story here.