Petalumans Take to Emission-Free Driving | Sonoma Clean Power

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Petalumans Take to Emission-Free Driving

Published on 01/05/2017

Petalumans Take to Emission-Free Driving

Argus-Courier | January 05, 2017
By Eric Gneckow

Labcon Automation Technician Dan Cuenca said he was interested in the latest wave of electric vehicles, but wanted to wait and see how those cars held up in the real world before considering a purchase.

That curiosity put him behind the wheel of a Nissan Leaf hatchback last week, where Cuenca, who typically drives a gasoline-powered Lexus, pressed on the accelerator. “Smooth,” he said, overtaking another car in a fluid maneuver before making the turn back to his company’s Lakeville Highway facility.

More than 400 people got into the driver’s seat last month to try out a fleet of electric vehicles at Labcon’s Petaluma headquarters, where the manufacturer of environmentally friendly lab equipment hosted a public event showcasing the battery-based autos.

Read the full story here.