SCP Signs PPA for 46 MW of CA Wind | Sonoma Clean Power

SCP Signs PPA for 46 MW of CA Wind

Published on 08/04/2016

Sonoma Clean Power Signs PPA For 46 MW Of Calif. Wind

North American Windpower | August 04, 2016
By Lauren Tyler

Sonoma Clean Power (SCP), the nonprofit public agency that has been generating electricity for 88% of Sonoma County’s residents and business owners since launching in 2014, says it has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) for 20 years of wind power from Golden Hills North Wind Energy Center.

The project, located in Eastern Alameda County within the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area in California, is being developed by NextEra Energy Resources and, according to SCP, represents the agency’s first long-term, in-state wind contract.

Read the full story here.