Published on 07/01/2018
Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition | July 2018
The transportation sector is notorious for being the major source of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in California. This industry is California’s biggest opportunity to make improvements in GHG emission reduction. Unfortunately, Electric Vehicles (EV) are pricier than traditional gas-guzzling automobiles, but have a strong demand amongst communities in California.
Because of this, Sonoma Clean Power created incentive and rebate programs to provide EVs at a reduced price for consumers. The following LGSEC Member Spotlight features transportation incentive programs to increase the number of EVs on the road and reduce GHGs in the region.
Transportation has always been a key component and focus of Sonoma Clean Power’s (SCP) objective to reduce GHGs in Sonoma and Mendocino counties. On-road transportation makes up approximately 60% of Sonoma County’s GHG emissions; therefore electrifying transportation is key to reducing emission.
Read the full story here.