Billing | Sonoma Clean Power

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Billing & Rates

Utility bills can be confusing. But we’re keeping our part simple.

At Sonoma Clean Power, sustainable solutions mean real benefits. We source, or generate, cleaner electricity for our customers. Our default electricity service is 51% renewable and 88% carbon-free!

Once you establish service for your home or business through PG&E, your service will start automatically with SCP and your Sonoma Clean Power charges will be presented on your PG&E bill.

These are not duplicative charges, but charges for two different services: PG&E electric delivery service and SCP electric generation service.

If you want to know more about your bill, we invite you to review the video and sample bill below that explains the various charges.

Residential Rates

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Commercial Rates

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Agricultural Rates

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Understanding Your Bill

1. Account Number
This PG&E account number is needed to sign up for EverGreen service or to opt out and return to PG&E. Just use the 10 digits before the dash.

2. PG&E Electric Delivery Charges
This is PG&E’s charge for the delivery of electricity. It includes transmission, distribution, and a variety of other fees. It does NOT include generation charges if you’re an SCP customer.

3. Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) Electric Generation Charges
This is SCP’s charge for generation – the cost of producing the electricity you use

4. Baseline Allowance
A measure of energy sold at the lowest price. Your baseline allowance is based on where you live, your heating source, and the season (summer or winter).

5. Generation Credit
This number is the amount that PG&E would have charged you for Electric Generation. This number is helpful in comparing SCP’s electric generation cost to PG&E’s electric generation cost.

6. Vintage Power Charge Indifference Adjustment
This fee is required by PG&E of all Sonoma Clean Power customers. It is intended to ensure that customers who switch to SCP pay for the above-market cost of energy that PG&E bought on their behalf prior to the change in service.

7. Franchise Fee Surcharge
This fee is collected by PG&E to pay for the right to use public streets to run gas and electric service.

8. Total PG&E Electric Delivery Charges
This is the sum of PG&E’s charges for electric delivery, which matches the charge on the summary page of your bill.

9. Rate Schedule
This indicates the applicable rate schedule under which you are receiving electric generation service from SCP. This rate schedule will specify applicable charges for such service and can be reviewed online.

10. Generation Off Peak
Rates and demand on the electric grid are lower outside the hours of 4 to 9 PM. By shifting your energy use to these off-peak hours, you can reduce your bill and support a healthier environment.

11. Generation On Peak
Rates are higher, and demand on the electric grid increases between the hours of 4 – 9 PM.

12. Energy Commission Surcharge
This fee is collected on behalf of the California Energy Commission and applies to all customers, regardless of service provider.

13. Total Sonoma Clean Power Electric Generation Charges
This is the sum of all electric generation charges from SCP.

CleanStart Tariff

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EverGreen Tariff

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Solar Billing Plan Tariff

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NetGreen 2.0 Tariff

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