CA Power System Shifting Through DER, EVs and CCA | Sonoma Clean Power

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CA Power System Shifting Through DER, EVs and CCA

Published on 08/02/2018

Report: California Power System Shifting Dramatically Through DER, EVs and CCA

Power Engineering International | August 02, 2018
By Renewable Energy World Editors

With California’s grid facing an era of rapid change as access to renewable energy grows, three new reports from the nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank Next 10 examine key issues involving the state’s power system.

The reports take a deep dive into how the grid might be challenged or helped by the rise of electric vehicles; the increase in distributed energy resources (DER), such as rooftop solar panels; and the growth of community choice aggregation (CCA), which allows cities and counties to join together to purchase electricity on behalf of their community members.

These innovations are all key elements in California’s efforts to transition to clean, renewable energy that is both reliable and affordable. As the state adds more variable renewable energy to the grid, these resources – electric vehicles, distributed energy resources and community choice aggregators – represent a challenge to the traditional energy management system, but also provide opportunities for us to manage a more efficient and cleaner grid.

F. Noel Perry

Founder and Businessman

Next 10

Read the full story here.