CA’s EV Growth Benefits Outweigh Energy System… | Sonoma Clean Power

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CA’s EV Growth Benefits Outweigh Energy System Costs

Published on 08/03/2018

California’s EV Growth Benefits Outweigh Energy System Costs, Report Says

Energy Manager Today | August 03, 2018
By Alyssa Danigelis

As California readies for rapid electric vehicle growth, the state’s energy system will require upgrades, but the costs are likely to be low compared to the benefits, according to a new report from Next 10. The nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank takes a close look at how the state’s grid might be challenged or helped by the rise of electric vehicles.

Transportation is the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the state of California, as in many other major economies throughout the world. The transportation sector needs to deliver significant GHG emissions cuts in order to help achieve California’s ambitious climate goals.

Anand R. Gopal and Julia Szinai

Authors of "Electric Vehicles and the California Grid"

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Read the full story here.