Enel X Smart EV Charging Helps Battle… | Sonoma Clean Power

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Enel X Smart EV Charging Helps Battle California’s Rolling Blackouts

Published on 08/22/2020

Enel X Smart EV Charging Helps Battle California’s Rolling Blackouts

Inside EVs

Tom Moloughney

Article snippet: On Friday evening, Sonoma Clean Power dispatched its GridSavvy Community—a population of over 900 electric vehicles, and scores of smart thermostats and heat pump water heaters—to coincide with the Flex Alert and the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) forecasted peak. In addition to the automated response of the smart technologies, like the JuiceBox smart charger, Sonoma Clean Power is leveraging the GridSavvy Community to help spread the word on behavioral changes—such as shifting energy use to midday—that can help relieve stress on the grid...

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