Spirit of Entrepreneurship Grant Winners of 2019 | Sonoma Clean Power

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Entrepreneurship Students at the SRJC Receive Grant from SCP

Published on 07/11/2019

Sonoma Clean Power wants to empower the next generation of local, sustainable business owners!

During the Santa Rosa Junior College’s Spring 2019 semester, students participating in the Business Entrepreneurship Certificate Program had the opportunity to compete for SCP's inaugural “Spirit of Entrepreneurship Grant”.

The purpose of the grant is to support local entrepreneurs who are choosing to place sustainable practices at the forefront of their business plans, allowing us to further invest in establishing a strong culture of environmental stewardship, economic vitality, and social equity throughout the region.

As part of the requirements for the grant, students demonstrated how their business would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, embed themes of sustainability in their enterprise, and promote energy efficiency, energy conservation, or renewable energy.

Strategies could include improving air quality, reducing the use of fossil fuels, promoting eco-friendly transit, conserving water and resources, and utilizing environmentally sensitive products and materials.

Three students were selected to receive grants between $2,000 and $5,000 to assist them in starting up their new businesses. The first-place winner of the contest was John Guice for his plan to develop an environmental board game.

“I am working very hard to bring [to life] my vision of producing an environmental education board game that inspires people to be stewards for the earth, and that is both sustainably and ethically made. These funds will be a great help to achieving my goals,” said Guice, when asked about his winning proposal.

The other winners were Jeremy Arroyo, who was awarded $3,000 toward his new business, Pickled Peppers, and Jennifer Longman, who received $2,000 to support her business plan for Jen’s Canine Connection.

I'm grateful to live in an area where people support both entrepreneurship and sustainability. This grant has given me the opportunity to pursue my vision, and I'll use these funds to start my business and contribute more to my community.

Jeremy Arroyo

Creator of Pickled Peppers

“Thank you to Sonoma Clean Power for believing in my business and assisting me in my journey to owning my own business and doing what I love!” added Longman.

In addition to the annual “Spirit of Entrepreneurship Grant”, SCP established an endowment with the Santa Rosa Junior College Foundation. The endowment is meant to ensure that, even during periods of economic uncertainty, the program will continue to receive the financial support necessary to promote an ongoing, locally grown workforce committed to incorporating sustainable practices in their businesses.

Spirit of Entrepreneurship Grant