SR Council Considers Requirement for New Homes | Sonoma Clean Power

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SR Council Considers Requirement for New Homes

Published on 11/10/2018

Santa Rosa Council Considers Requirement for New Homes to be Independent of Natural Gas

The Press Democrat | November 10, 2018
By Will Schmitt

Santa Rosa may soon require that new homes be equipped to operate without natural gas, a shift city leaders hope could cut carbon emissions and lend momentum to green-building designs gaining favor after last year’s destructive wildfires.

The Advanced Energy Rebuild program, a collaboration between PG&E, Sonoma Clean Power and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, offers an all-electric-ready option to contractors working on the region’s housing recovery. Sonoma Clean Power has received 37 all-electric-ready applications under the program. The applicant pool includes 36 single-family projects and a 96-unit multi-family development. Eleven of those projects are slated to be all-electric.

Read the full story here.