Smart thermostats optimize your home's heating and cooling schedule based on your daily behavior. With a smart thermostat, increase your energy savings and avoid unnecessary heating and cooling costs. Plus, conveniently control your home’s system from your smartphone.
Connecting your smart thermostat to GridSavvy Rewards makes it easy to save energy when the demand for electricity, and electricity prices, are high. Receive a $5 monthly credit on your bill when you enable your smart thermostat to automatically use less energy during peak hours (terms & conditions apply, see below.)
Please note, you must have air conditioning and an eligible Wi-Fi connected smart thermostat to participate.
Save with manufacturer rebates and additional discounts from Sonoma Clean Power exclusively through the GridSavvy store.
Already have an installed smart thermostat? You may be eligible for a $100 enrollment incentive for participating in GridSavvy Rewards. See eligible devices below.
Program Disclosure: Equipment and incentives are available only to verified and active SCP customers. The customer must be the SCP account holder or have authorization on behalf of the account holder to receive any incentives or rebates offered by SCP. For customers participating in multiple GridSavvy Rewards Program Options, Reward Payments received for GridSavvy Rewards Alerts will be less any monthly bill credits received from the electric vehicle charger program option or smart thermostat program option. $5/month maximum bill credit for GridSavvy Rewards smart device participation, regardless of the number and type of devices participating. Program incentives, offers, and Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice.
Google, Nest Thermostat, Nest Learning Thermostat and Nest Thermostat E, are trademarks of Google LLC.