Energy-Saving Upgrades Available to Eligible… | Sonoma Clean Power

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Become a Lead Locally pilot home or business!

Published on 07/22/2019

Receive the best in energy-saving technology from SCP for free.

We are currently recruiting participants for a study on energy-saving technology, and for a limited time, homes and businesses can receive free energy-efficient equipment.

This study is part of our Lead Locally program, which is primarily funded through a grant we received from the California Energy Commission. The program aims to develop strategies to double energy efficiency in existing buildings and measure the results of the prospective technologies, prior to launching future customer programs.

SCP wants to bring the right technologies to our community that can move us toward a cleaner energy future. Before we launch any potential rebate or incentive programs, we want to know what our community thinks.

Chad Asay

Programs Manager for Lead Locally

Sonoma Clean Power

SCP is looking for approximately 35 homes and 18 businesses to receive upgrades. All the equipment studied under the Lead Locally program will be provided to the participants for free, along with any permit fees, leaving only the installation costs to be covered by the homeowner or business owner.

For residential customers, home upgrades include cooling and ventilation, air draft sealing, induction cooktops, and water heating. For businesses, upgrades include daylighting and insulation materials, as well as commercial-scale induction cooktops and dishmachines.

Participant feedback will be used to identify the best practices for installers, guide future energy-saving programs locally and state-wide, and most importantly, confirm that these technologies work well for the Sonoma County and Mendocino County communities.

Based on the results of the study, SCP plans to offer future rebates and incentives to its customers to improve the efficiency of buildings in its service territory and significantly reduce local emissions.

Additionally, SCP is opening an Advanced Energy Center in 2020 where customers will be able to learn about, test and purchase these energy-saving technologies for their home or business.

Participation requests can be submitted by visiting the Lead Locally program page. Applications will be used to screen for a building’s eligibility and will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants must be willing to complete quarterly satisfaction surveys and allow energy usage monitoring for 12 to 18 months.

Apply to be a Lead Locally pilot home or business today!